Jonathan Mills’ opera, based on the novel by Murray Bail is a depiction...
Jonathan Mills’ opera, based on the novel by Murray Bail is a depiction...
Frankenstein, often referred to as the first science fiction novel even...
For the first time in more than 30 years and for only the second time...
The Whale takes place in the world of a small, modern family who, through...
Dark comedy lives! This sensational show will have you giggling, bursting...
“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” Dusk...
‘Good God, but people don’t do such things!’ – A HeddaGablerGablerGabler...
There’s a lot of rhetoric around your 20s being ‘the best years...
Following rave reviews and a successful 2018 premiere season, Melbourne-based...
Sandi Sieger chats to leading Australian soprano, Stacey Alleaume. You...
Theatre Works, one of Australia’s longest-running independent theatres,...
You’re a Catch! Why are you Single? pulled off a fabulous debut at the newly...