Having kids is a wonderful thing. There are proven benefits to rearing children. While it can be a lot of hard work for many years, it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences that life has to offer. At least that’s what you can remind yourself when your little one is chucking a wobbly in the supermarket because you wouldn’t buy them that lollie that they absolutely, definitely had to have then and there. But what if you’ve been blessed with double trouble? Yep, we’re talking about twins. Raising twins is a whole other ball game. So, let’s unpack a little of how you can survive, and thrive, when the stork brings a big surprise.
Get the Right Pram
From the get go you’re going to need to get around with your pair of miracles. So it’s going to pay off in the long run to invest in a solid, dependable and easy-to-use double pram. Ideally, you want to look for one that is easily collapsible so you can fit it in the car and get it out easily when you reach your destination. While a double pram is often a bit more expensive than a single, it is one of the absolute necessities of raising twins. You’ll be able to bid it farewell when your pair are old enough to walk around themselves without getting all tuckered out.
Learn to Ask for Help
This is a very important tip. There’s that saying that it takes a village to raise a child. Well, we might not live in villages anymore but it certainly takes a lot of helping hands to raise twins. You’ll find yourself depending on your parents, your in-laws, your siblings and your friends. And sometimes people aren’t going to offer a hand straight away, so it’s time to swallow that pride and pick up the phone and ask for help. You’ll be surprised at the amount of time people close to you are willing to donate to help you out.
Make Your Home Child Friendly
If you’re a first-time mom, you want to make sure that your home is safe for your bundles of joy. However, combining fashion with function to transform your home into a child-friendly space can be challenging. But to create a safe and homey environment that your twins will love, you should consider everything, from the flooring to the kids play zone. When it comes to the flooring, we recommend following these tips, which will also increase the value of your home.
Find Activities to Occupy Yourself and Them
Once your kids progress beyond the newborn phase, they’re going to need some solid stimulation when they’re awake and not tired and cranky. Also, by this stage you’ll probably be going a little bit stir crazy so it’s important to find activities that you can both enjoy. Messy play like fingerpainting or with food like spaghetti pasta is both stimulating and fun for the little ones, and you may find you like getting your hands dirty too. In the warmer weather take some trips out to the park or playground or your local museum or zoo. During the winter months you can find indoor playgroups or check out the local library.
Find Quick and Easy Meals, and Prepare!
Once your kids start on solids it’s a good plan to have some ready made sauces and meals that you can quickly defrost and serve up. It’s also very important that you maintain a good level of nutrition, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Try things like pasta sauces, curries, casseroles and slow cooker meals for ease and convenience. If you don’t have time to make sauces from scratch don’t stress – no one’s judging if you buy some pre-prepared sauces, just be sure to keep an eye on the sugar and salt content.
To Conclude
To begin with you’re going to need a double pram, period. Make sure that you get the courage to ask your family and friends for some help with the pair of twins now and then, and when they get a bit older find some activities that you can both enjoy. Finally, do some quick and easy meal prep so you’re all fed and can keep healthy.