Mothers who decide to formula feed can feel left out and guilty being constantly reminded of all the exceptional benefits of breastfeeding and breast being best. However, there are many reasons to formula feed by choice, not only by necessity including difficulty with the latch on, low milk supply, and limitations to pumping. However, parents shouldn’t need to find justifications for choosing to formula feed just the same as there shouldn’t be any justification needed when opting for breastfeeding.
In modern society, many mothers feel that if they don’t decide to breastfeed they are labelled as an irresponsible parent who is endangering the health of the baby and/or their bond with the baby. Rest assured, bottle feeding is a safe choice and it is one you should consider even supposing you are able to breastfeed.
Continue reading to learn more about some of the reasons why formula from birth can be a good choice for your family.
Happy Mum Brings Up A Happy Baby
When a mother is rested and happy she is able to put more effort in and better enjoy the time she spends with her baby. The majority of women enjoy breastfeeding, but those who don’t like it and/or find it difficult should choose formula feeding. It stands to reason that a mum who is happy with her feeding choice will be able to provide better care for her baby than a tired mum struggling with breastfeeding. What is best for the baby includes mum’s welfare too as she needs to be able to be there, both physically and mentally, for her child.
Lifestyle Choices
When formula feeding a newborn there are fewer lifestyle adjustments that a mother needs to make. When breastfeeding she needs to constantly think about her diet as her baby can have a reaction to different foods she takes in. Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine is recommended when breastfeeding as they can harm the baby. Finally, stress and other factors can decrease the breast milk supply.
Mums are told that breastfeeding will certainly lead to better outcomes which often leads to them making sacrifices and experiencing insurmountable obstacles before they can give up on breastfeeding guilt free. However, breastfeeding doesn’t unquestionably provide superiority and it requires women to go for weeks without more than 2hours of sleep at a time. With formula feeding the baby is fully fed for longer periods of time and parents can get more rest and enjoy time with their child without the sleep deprivation.
Emotional Connection
Surely, parent-baby bonding happens during feeding time. Nonetheless, bonding doesn’t happen exclusively during breastfeeding nor does it happen only during feeding time. The emotional connection is developed also during play time, singing and even nappy changing. Besides, if you are still worried you are not making the most of the feeding time, consult different methods to strengthen the bond.
When formula feeding the mother can save herself the trouble of organising her schedule according to the pumping times. Pumping can be an inconvenience for mums going back to work as well as for those taking care of the baby full time. There are so many tasks a mum needs to take care of after birth and taking one off the list will be welcomed. Instead, she can use time intended for pumping to bond with the baby or rest.
Equal Parenting And Pain-Free
When mum is breastfeeding she spends a minimum of 14 hours per week doing it. In situations when parents are sharing the feeding responsibility the baby gets to bond with both of them. Both parents developing a deeper bond and the father can feel more involved.
While breastfeeding a number of problems can occur such as sore nipples, engorged breasts, and infections. Some babies have problems with the latch on, prompting the process of nursing to be quite difficult and painful for the mum. After being pregnant and enduring nausea and discomfort, avoiding further distress can be a good idea, especially, when you have a good nutritional choice such as a formula.
Formula As A Legitimate Choice
Breastfeeding is a perfectly valid choice and many opt to do it. Be that as it may, it is not an option available to all mums or a superior one for that matter. Furthermore, it doesn’t have to be an ‘all or nothing choice’. Another option is to combine the use of breast and formula milk. Every parent should have the option to make the decision for their own baby. Many feel they have been pressured and labelled as irresponsible if they opt for formula only. Nonetheless, there is sufficient information showing that formula from birth is a good and safe choice and comes with many benefits. The best choice is the one that makes sense to you.