Guest post by Nadia Worland, Author, Parent, Teacher and Co-Author of POWMan: Find The Courage Within (New Holland Publishers).
2020. Nothing could have prepared any of us for the multitude of changes we have lived through this year.
As adults we are grappling to cope with the changes; and whilst we know children are resilient 2020 has decided to test that theory. Even with everyone working hard to make it as safe as we possibly can, worries have still crept into our children. With many years in and out of the classroom this year has hands down been the most difficult (and yet also rewarding) year. We have encountered changes at every turn which has created the perfect environment for anxiety to skyrocket.
I started working on the POWman series in 2018 while on holidays in Adelaide. I had the blessing and support of my family, and an amazing publisher and “The rest is history” so they say. I found it quite serendipitous that my 3rd book POWman: Find The Courage Within deals with anxiety, fear and getting help. It delves deeper into normalising seeking help and working towards removing the stigma of seeing a mental health professional. When a child feels safe and valued, they can then reach their full potential. After being in the classroom for many years and bringing up my own family I knew the need for this type of book.
POWman: Find The Courage Within introduces a wellbeing counsellor to help children who have anxiety. It details what can be expected when you see a counsellor as well as some strategies to help. We engaged outside consultants to approve the storyline and contents, so we are sure we are giving correct and helpful strategies.
Each book contains a simple yet effective POW-plan that can be adapted. The plan is a 3-step road map to help children work through difficult situations (but not with the usual “just walk away” “words don’t hurt” approach.) Children do not need an overly complicated plan; they need something useful and something they can remember to use when they are anxious or in an uncomfortable situation.
Each plan in each book uses the acronym of POW.
Level 1 The Power Of Words. Speak up and support. We can’t stop bullies unless we tell others.
Level 2 Passion Over Worry: Re-focus and remember. Don’t stop doing what you love because of others
Level 3 Prevent Online Words. Stand up and be strong. Its takes strength to report bullying.
The plan is simple, it is brief, it works.
I wrote the POWman series to support children in developing skills to navigate different and difficult situations, to build resilience and create self-acceptance. We also need to empower our kids to take control of a situation that for so long has for many been uncontrollable.
POWman: Find The Courage Within is based around the drought and the anxiety it causes; however, this can be easily translated for use around COVID. This books also touching on anxiety around academic performance.
POWman: Discover The Strength Within covers online and offline bullying. The POWplan empowers “Frankie” to work through issues about bullying. It deals with the way girls bully through exclusion.
POWman: Unleash The Hero Within introduces us to Dave whose friend is struggling with being bullied at school. Dave helps Stu create a POWplan to help him.
Professional Consultants
Lara Walker MOrgPsy, BBA BA-Psy
Associate Professor Cate Thomas BA, BSW, GradCertLearn & TeachHigherEd, GradDipPA, MPAdmin, PhD
Dr Hinds PhD, DD, MMs, BMs, DHom, DRT
POWMan – Find The Courage Within, by Dave POW Tabain, Nadia Worland and illustrator Shane Ogilvie, RRP $14.99, available from all good book retailers or online at
About Nadia Worland:
Before turning her hand to writing Nadia, has had a successful teaching career for over 20 years, after she finished her bachelor’s degree from Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga. She then taught in the Northern Territory and NSW as a teacher, special needs consultant with a focus on Autism, special needs co-ordinator and as a Deputy Principal. She has worked in both the public and private sector primary, and at times, in secondary schools.
Nadia’s first foray into writing has produced not only a best seller, but a book which is changing the way kids deal with bullies. It delves deep into the topics and issues that students and children are currently facing and strategies for change. POWman is currently in production in Portugal and Spain.