Dr Nat is the ambassador at Your Tea; a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, an author, natural fertility expert, and hormone specialist.
Which is why she created Fertility Tea, exclusive to Your Tea, to balance and nourish female hormones, helping to assist with not only fertility issues, but PCOS, PMS, and Endometriosis too. Her Tea is another blend developed by Nat, which helps to balance and regulate female hormones and mood, making this blend especially useful during the PMS window.
Nat’s Tips For Managing PMS:
PMS can be rough, it comes around each and every cycle and can bring along with it a plethora of symptoms. 85 percent of menstruating women have at least 1 PMS symptom as part of their monthly cycle, things like headaches, bloating, low moods, anxiety, or depression.
What you want to understand is that it typically is a result of low progesterone.
But before you head out to your doctor and grab a prescription it’s a good idea to understand that progesterone is generally low when oestrogen’s high.
So it becomes about ways to lower oestrogen and I have a few:
- Love your liver, thankfully Your Tea have that covered for you and looking into something like a Liver Cleanse is a really good idea.
- Go easy. It’s a big deal to have a period, so if you need to rest, I recommend that you do so.
- It’s a great time to go gently, but move as well. So, I say rest, but at the same time something like yoga or gentle stretching can be a really good idea.
- Get out into the sunshine, it can do wonders to lift your mood and make you feel better.
- Chrysanthemum is a favourite for me and my patients, I recommend it as a muscle relaxant so it can help with pain. And we’ve got you covered there too, you can find this in our Her Tea and Happy Tea as well.
Nat’s Tips For Managing Endometriosis:
Endometriosis is a tricky condition, it can be tiring, relentless; and it affects 1 in 10 women.
It’s important to understand two things, one is that blood is probably moving in the wrong direction causing pain, but also that there’s endometrial tissue that is growing and stagnating blood flow through the uterus.
There are a couple of things that can really help manage your endometritis:
- Regulate your oestrogen, oestrogen’s generally behind endometriosis so you want to do things like avoid heating in plastic containers, also reduce alcohol consumption and even minimise body products that contain chemicals that mimic oestrogen as well.
- Sweet talk your liver. Your liver is responsible for hormone detoxification so making sure that it’s happy will really help to manage your endometriosis.
- Pump up the protein. Your hormones are made of fat and protein and your diet really does count.
- Tackle stress. Stress is often the root cause of so many conditions including endometriosis.
- Regulate your uterus. Perhaps, implement some acupuncture, massage, anything that’s going to help you manage your pain.
Nat’s Tips For Managing PCOS:
PCOS is one of the most common hormone imbalances we see for women, in fact around 20% of women who menstruate are estimated to have this pesky condition.
Now, it’s generally cause by excess testosterone which causes havoc and a plethora of symptoms including acne, facial hair, anxiety, weight gain, depression, and of course missing or irregular periods.
That sounds like a lot, but don’t’ worry, I’m here to help:
- Minimise sugar. Sugar can be really nasty for your hormones and certainly make everything worse.
- Follow a low GI diet.
- Keep your thyroid happy, I’d suggest short, sharp bursts of exercise as well as small frequent meals. It is what keeps your metabolism firing.
- Understand your menstrual cycle if you have one and really try and pinpoint ovulation. It is tricky, it takes practices, but it is possible.
- Love your gut. PCOS is often associated with inflammation, and that comes from out gut, so if we can start to support out gut health it’s going to make a massive difference also.
Nat’s Tips For Managing Infertility:
Infertility affects around 10% of women. It can be a tricky business, especially when you feel like everybody else is falling pregnant around you yet you’re still patiently waiting. It’s important to remember that when the body can it will, and the simple things do matter. You could also look at medication such as Clomid monitoring UK.
A healthy body is one step closer to your healthy pregnancy. Here’s how;
- Zone in on your stress. Stress messes with your sex hormones – it’s supposed to be used as a survival mechanism, and when we’re in survival mode, the last thing we need are our reproductive organs.
- Begin to behave as if you are already pregnant. If you were pregnant right now, how would you go about your day. I know your choices would be different so start to replicate this.
- Regular sex. I know this is a no brainer, but so many women fall into the trap of only having sex when they think they are ovulating. All month round is crucial to ensure adequate nutrient and blood flow to the reproductive organs.
- Invest in ‘you time’. We can get so busy your body starts to think there is no room in your life for anything else. 4 hours of time to yourself a week is a good start.
- Diet counts. You don’t put anything but petrol in your car so that it can run. Your body is no different; wholefoods, fats and protein are essential.