The COVID-19 pandemic has given those of us locked down in our homes the chance to slow down our lives. We now have the time to cook with our families, try out new recipes and share wine at the dinner table. ‘It’s 5pm somewhere’ has undoubtedly been declared around Australia many a times during isolation, so here are four delicious excuses to make your favourite bottle of white wine a 5pm affair…
5pm Italy: Pinot Grigio
Opening a crisp bottle of Pinot Grigio to splash into your creamy carbonara sauce that you’ve started simmering for dinner is familiar to anyone who loves Italian food. In iso-time, go ahead and polish off another glass or two before dinner. Pairing the wine with its accompanying dinner is an excuse for afternoon drinking with your assistant-chef during these slow and isolated afternoons.
5pm India: Riesling
An off-dry Riesling paired with a spicy and bold curry will encourage you to open your bottle while you only begin to chop your onions and garlic. While your eyes begin to water from the searing yellow onion, offset your tears with a glass of your favourite Riesling. Its acidity will pair well with a rich Indian curry such as a Pork Vindaloo.
5pm Greece: Sauvignon Blanc
A light bodied, fruity glass of sauvignon blanc will accompany an afternoon snack of grilled carrots, rocket and goats cheese whilst you and your iso-partner welcome the evening. Sauvignon Blanc needs a cool climate to flourish, as does its enjoyment through your winter isolation.
5pm Australia: Moscato
Desert before dinner is the perfect excuse to enjoy a sweet and slightly fizzy glass of Moscato. This light wine can be enjoyed with your iso-partner in the afternoon, while maintaining sobriety to cook dinner. This wine is so light and sweet that a pairing isn’t necessary; it serves as the desert itself.
Mikayla Chadwick is a Melbourne-based freelance writer, interested in popular culture, global affairs and policy reform. Mikayla is currently researching human rights policy at La Trobe University. To read more of Mikayla’s work visit her website: