As a two time marathoner and runner for 10 years, I have found a lot of things that work for me in the running world. My fuelling, training plans and recovery are down to a science.
When it comes to running with other people though, I rarely have interest unless it’s someone I know well. That was a shame when the rise of run clubs came about in recent years.
I love the opportunity it presents to meet other people, but I find running to be a very personal sport, so if I’m taking on a few miles with a big group, I want it to be fun.
The Sandwich Run Club is just that.
Many run clubs I’ve encountered move at a quick pace or complete intense workouts, but for me, it’s the social aspect of a club that should be at the forefront.
Every Sunday, between 8am and 10am, the Sandwich Run Club sends out four groups to complete a 5, 10, 15 or 20 kilometre run at a 6 minute per kilometre pace, after each runner pre-orders their food at the select brunch spot for that week.
That 15 minute window of pre-ordering, before the run begins, is where conversations start.
Runners get a feel for who they might stick beside along the pre-planned course, while mingling with the others who chose to start their Sunday at that week’s spot.
Some sip coffee before the run and others loosen up their legs.
On January 12, the group met at Mile End Bagels in Fitzroy. As 15 and 20 kilometre runners looped back to finish off their last 5 or 10 kilometre with the shorter distance groups, Jacob Fidler, one of the founders, greeted all runners.
Many new feet braved the course, some thanks to New Years resolutions, others to help prepare for impending races they signed up for.
Some veteran Sandwich Runners guided the newbies on the schedule of events for the morning.
Runners looped through Carlton, Princess Hill, Royal Park and Royal Park Golf Course before returning to the Fitzroy breakfast spot, for some bagel sandwiches and free coffees and juices, provided as a special deal for runners.
It was the warmest welcome to a run club that I have received, and I think it has to do with the reason to stick around afterward.
Each week, the club leaders post the new location to Instagram at @thesandwichrun.
In the words of the Sandwich Run Club, “it’s time to get that bread!”