Considering that women spend millions of dollars on hair care products, appliances, and beauty salon treatments every year it’s no surprise that most take great pride in their locks. After all, hair is the ultimate accessory; and one that can be dressed up or down, changed for a while, and used to make a statement to the world. That’s all pretty powerful stuff.
Then there’s all the cultural and historical evidence, which suggests that for women hair is closely connected to perceptions of femininity, identity, freedom, beauty and liberation. Hair is important, and unlike men who can expect some risk of becoming bald, women have not traditionally had to be too concerned, until now.
The Modern Hair Loss Problem
Around the world, more and more women are reporting experiences of thinning, receding hair as well as partial or full baldness. In the UK, a third of all hair transplant patients are now female and therefore bearing the double burden of baldness and loss of cultural female identity.
Traditionally hair loss is related to medical conditions, genetics and stress. However, modern lifestyles add new factors such as poor diet, over styling and harsh coloring to the mix.
DIY Solutions
When hair loss is caused by an underlying medical problem, treatments and solutions will be based on the advice of the medical professionals involved. For those who have no obvious reason for the problem there are some options available to anyone to try.
Check and Boost Blood Iron Levels
Being iron deficient is one of the major factors in hair loss amongst younger women, as a shortage of iron means the protein in hair cells that helps to stop it falling out can’t function properly. Females aged between late teens and mid-thirties are in the highest risk group due to factors including earlier onset of puberty, the tendency to delay motherhood, (both leading to more menstrual cycles than in the past), their tendency to avoid red meat due to health concerns, or because they have a generally poor diet.
Be Kinder to Hair
Choosing a mild shampoo, avoiding harsh bleach-based colorings and chemical treatments such as straightening, cutting down on heat based styling appliance use, can all halt hair loss in some cases.
Try Medically Approved Hair Restorers
Positive reports on FDA approved products like Scalp Med offer new hope to women suffering from various degrees of hair loss. This kind of spray is applied directly to the scalp and can be used alongside regular shampoos and conditioning treatments. The promising results provide a solid alternative to hair transplants, tattoos and wigs.
It is always wise to seek medical advice from your doctor for unexplained hair loss in the first instance, in case there is some underlying health issue that needs attention. Finding a clinic that performs scalp micropigmentation for women can also be a good option, as it offers a non-invasive and natural-looking solution for hair loss. However, eating well, taking a break from dyes and hairdryers and trying out respected products from a drugstore are all positive, easy to implement, non-harmful actions that are worth trying, regardless.