With so many modern audio devices readily available on the market, some consumers find it a little overwhelming. If you are looking for new audio gear to travel with, and you don’t know whether to purchase earphones or headphones, we’ll help you by examining both in this article.
A lot of people assume headphones and earphones are the exact same thing, and at the end of the day they are both little speakers that are placed in or around your ears, but there are a few major differences. Keep in mind that not all headphones and earphones are the same quality. There are lots of different devices available, and the quality and prices tend to vary. If you are on a tight budget, don’t worry, you will be able to find an audio device in your price range, but the more you spend, the better the product.
For more information, check out https://www.officenational.com.au/shop/en/obb2cstore/technology/headphones-and-earphones.
Should I Get Wireless Headphones or Earphones?
Most of the new headphones or earphones on the market are wireless, which means you will be required to charge them now and again. The best thing about wireless audio devices is that they don’t have any frustrating wires getting in your way. When you are traveling, you might want to go hiking, skiing, jogging, etc. so having wireless headphones will make your life easier. However, keeping the device charged can cause issues, especially if you are traveling with a bunch of other electronic devices that need charging. Some people travel with smartwatches, tablets, smartphones, laptops, and cameras, which all need charging on a regular basis, so do you really need another item that needs to be plugged in every so often?
Plus, most wireless earphones and headphones out there connect via Bluetooth. By leaving Bluetooth on in your smart device it will quickly drain your battery. If you are out and about while traveling and your battery goes low, you might find yourself in trouble, especially if you are relying on your smartphone or tablet for directions. A lot of travelers use apps like Google Maps to get from A to B, but you’ll need to turn on your GPS for the app to work properly, which is also known to drain the device’s battery.
If you decide to travel with rechargeable headphones or earphones, it might be worth investing in a power bank. These portable charging devices are very popular amongst travelers.
Pros and Cons of Traveling with Headphones
Most headphones are designed to go over a person’s ear, and they are fitted with big earpads for comfort and to protect the listener’s ears. Both earpads are connected to a large headband. They are a lot bigger than most of the earphones available, however, the size can cause problems, especially when a person is on the go while traveling. Before you purchase a pair of headphones, ask yourself if you have enough space for the device in your bags. Some headphones can cost a lot of cash, so you don’t want to be forcing them into your bag while you’re on the road in case they get damaged. If you have limited storage space, it’s probably best if you opt for earphones instead of big, bulky headphones.
A lot of headphones come with a built-in microphone, which might come in handy while you’re on the road. A lot of people like to keep in contact with friends and family members while they are traveling. Apps such as Zoom and Skype are just a few of the many options available for smart devices and computers. Although most smart devices have built-in microphones, having a backup might help in case the microphone on your smart device gets damaged.
Most headphones trap the sound, so the only one that can hear it is the listener. While sitting next to someone on a bus or a plane, you don’t want them to hear what you are listening to, especially if you are having a private conversation. Many headphones have a noise cancellation feature too, which blocks any noise coming from outside. You won’t get to hear the airplane’s engine or a crying baby on a bus when you wear headphones that have this feature.
Pros and Cons of Traveling with Earphones
Most earphones cost less than headphones, so if you are looking to save money it’s probably best you buy earphones. Earphones are less bulky and a lot lighter than headphones, which makes them ideal for storing. Because earphones don’t rely on a headband to connect the two earpieces, you don’t have to worry about it affecting your hair.
Although a lot of the top of the range earphones available provide a much better sound than earphones that were available ten years ago, headphones still manage to provide better quality sound, especially if you like to listen to a lot of music or play games that use a lot of bass tones. Unlike headphones, earphones are unable to cancel noises from the outside.