Some people will conceive immediately after engaging in intercourse during ovulation, but not everyone will be this lucky. Unfortunately, different health factors, medications, hormonal changes, and a person’s age might affect the ability to conceive. Luckily temporary and permanent infertility can be reversed through reproductive endocrinology Bedford. The reproductive endocrinologist deals with fertility issues and will diagnose health conditions such as low sperm count, hormonal problems, and blocked fallopian tubes and offers the right solution. They will improve fertility and guide a patient through the pregnancy journey. Here are reasons to consult a reproductive endocrinologist.
Improve Fertility
Patients might despair if they fail to conceive within the first year, and a reproductive endocrinologist will educate them on factors affecting reproduction. Reproductive health issues are common, and you should not ignore them as they could result in permanent fertility in the long run. Thus, taking care of yourself before trying to conceive is important as your health determines if you can conceive naturally. For instance, you should eat healthily and avoid medications that can tamper with your fertility. You may avoid some lubricants during sex as they may be toxic to the sperm reducing the chances of conceiving.
The reproductive endocrinologist will conduct further exams, such as hormonal mapping, indicating if a person has the right hormonal combination to foster conception. They may recommend hormonal supplements which support conception and pregnancy. Furthermore, they treat issues such as blocked fallopian tubes, which could affect the availability of the egg during the conception window. Finally, they would treat endometriosis and uterine fibroids, as both conditions affect conception and pregnancy and might result in permanent infertility.
Improve Sexual Function
The reproductive endocrinologist might improve sexual function by teaching the patients about their reproductive health. The improved sexual function makes it easy to conceive without medical assistance. They may educate the woman about their menstrual cycle and how to calculate the ovulation window to improve the chances of getting a child. Improved sexual function leads to a fulfilling relationship.
Deal With Lumps in the Breast
Although reproductive endocrinologists treat reproductive issues, they may conduct exams on a woman’s breast health, affecting their reproduction. For instance, you should have healthy breasts which can produce milk for the unborn child. The doctor may conduct a biopsy on the lumps on the breast to deal with cancer in the early stages.
Treat Low Sperm Count
Low sperm count is associated with infertility in men, but men are least likely to seek treatment for low sperm count. The low sperm count might result from issues such as prostate cancer and blockage of the ducts and tubes.
Deal With Cancer Affecting the Reproductive Organs
Cancers of the reproductive system, such as prostate and ovarian cancers, affect your fertility. Your reproductive endocrinologist will conduct the right exam and refer the patient for further treatments, such as chemotherapy. Dealing with reproductive system cancers might improve productivity and prevent infertility in the long run.
Most people will not discuss reproductive health issues as they think the health problems are private and should stay within the walls of their homes. However, you should see a reproductive endocrinologist as they improve your reproductive health, making it possible to conceive and have a baby. They may deal with issues such as reproductive health cancers, steroid fibroids, and endometriosis which affect your fertility. Finally, they would increase sexual functionality resulting in a fulfilling relationship.