A hernia is the protrusion of an internal body organ or any other body part through the wall of muscles that normally cover it. Hernias are usually a result of the weakness of the muscle around the opening. Hernia Dallas can occur anywhere along the digestive tract (the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, or colon). Symptoms of a hernia can vary depending on the type of hernia, where the protrusion is located, and the size of the protrusion. Hernia symptoms include:
Pain and swelling in the groin area
Hernias can be painful, mainly if they are located in the groin area. You may feel pain when you bend or twist your body. A hernia in this area can also cause you to walk differently, with a waddling gait. A hernia in this area may also cause pain when you cough or sneeze because the intestines can push against the muscle wall, causing pain due to pressure on nerves. If you have a hernia in this area, you must visit your doctor as soon as possible for treatment.
Your doctor will examine you to determine why you are having pain or discomfort in this area. Your doctor will refer you to a surgeon who specializes in repairing the abdominal wall and helping patients understand the details of inguinal hernia surgery.
A bulge in your abdomen
You may notice a lump under your skin if you have an inguinal hernia. This type of hernia occurs when an internal organ protrudes from the belly button into your groin and back into your abdomen. You can also develop an abdominal hernia if part of your intestine becomes trapped in or through an opening in the gut (i.e., a diaphragmatic hernia).
Back pain
An inguinal hernia often causes back pain because it can press on the nerves that travel through the abdomen into your back. The more pressure placed on these nerves by the bulge in your stomach, the more likely you will experience back pain when lifting heavy objects or sitting down for long periods.
Numbness or tingling in the leg or foot where the protrusion is located
The presence of this symptom may indicate that there is nerve damage. However, in some cases, it may simply be due to pressure on your nerves from the protrusion you have developed. If this happens, it can be treated with an injection of local anesthetic into your nerve.
Weakness or paralysis
The weakness or paralysis may be mild or severe. The most common type of weakness that occurs in a hernia is muscle weakness in the groin. In this case, a person may feel numbness or tingling in the limbs or trunk. If a person has weakness in both legs, walking can be difficult. This type of weakness is called symmetric weakness (both sides of your body are affected).
Anorexia (loss of appetite)
People with a hernia might lose their appetites, such as pain, nausea (feeling sick), and vomiting caused by constipation (hard stools).
There are many different types of hernia, each with its symptoms. Some symptoms can be severe and even life-threatening if left untreated. If you think you might have one, talk to your doctor about any concerns you have or if you notice any changes in your body. Your doctor can help determine what type of hernia you have, discuss treatment options and answer any questions about hernia surgery. Contact Michael Sutker, MD, and request an appointment with a specialist to learn more about hernia.