Whoever said that ties were exclusively meant for men lied. Matter of fact, I tend to think that women look just as ‘fine’ and dashing in ties as men. Since ties came to being, they have come in different varieties and for specific occasions. Today, you can find dozens of Custom Ties that just look fantastic on men. So, yes! Women can also rock Custom Ties without necessarily sacrificing their femininity.And the secret behind it is to find the perfect tie and find a decent clothing pair to go with it. Not to mention the colour of the ties you choose to wear.
You also need to watch how you tie the tie. Not to mention, how you also style your hair to go with the tie. If anything, there are a dozen different ways that you can rock Custom Ties in a feminine way and look amazing.
Check out these fashionable ways to tie Custom Ties and still look feminine.
Leave your hair down
Custom Ties work their own magic and make you look pretty professional on their own. You don’t need to stress up about wearing your hair up to look like a businesswoman. The tie itself does that pretty well. You can always let your hair down or tie it in a bun if you like. However, if you do choose to let it down, then at least try and wash it. Also, make sure that you brush it and have it looking fabulous. Let the tie add the professionalism in your look.
Opt for a skirt instead of slacks
You’ll definitely feel more like a lady rocking a skirt. Custom Ties don’t necessarily restrict you from wearing skirts. Plus, you can also wear a nice pair of heels to go with your outfit too. It doesn’t get any more feminine than that. What makes women’s Custom Ties an excellent clothing accessory is that you have so many options that you can choose from. You can rock a schoolgirl skirt to look sexy for that guy you’ve had a crush on for some time. A pencil skirt is an excellent option if you ‘re going for a more professional look instead.
Try out the rocker look
Custom Ties aren’t only always for important special meetings and events.You can wear Custom Ties to look like a rocker. If you know Avril Lavigne, then that’s the kind of look we’re talking about here. You can actually rock a custom tie with a schoolgirl skirt and some fishnets to look edgy. You will definitely attract some attention as it’s not a look that you’ll see very often nowadays. Trying the rocker look will make you stand out more from the crowd than you know.
Wear a vest
How about you wear a vest some of your Custom Ties and see how you look or what your friends think. Ties don’t necessarily mean you must wear it with a blazer. A nice decent vest also gives you the chance to flaunt your shoulders.A vest also allows other people to check out your waist better. If you’re looking to stay stylish, this is the one dressing move you must try. Only make sure that you get vests that can go with your Custom Ties. Or just one that perfectly complements your favourite tie.