You dealt with your workout facility temporarily closing due to the pandemic. With it now open or soon to be back open, you now must adjust again and plan accordingly to stay healthy. How do you mitigate your risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 while exercising at the gym?
Consider these 7 tips below. With these suggestions, you can increase your chances of staying safe. Understand that it’s easier than you think.
Wear Your Mask
You might have heard contrasting opinions about this. But as a general rule of thumb, wearing a mask lowers your risk of getting sick. If you do not have a mask, you easily can find them through your local retailers and online suppliers. Also, know that they’re very affordable. Even if there are people at the gym not wearing them, you should still wear your mask. Regularly wash it by hand or the hand-wash cycle on your washing machine, too. Only air dry it after it’s clean.
Make Sure Your Gym Is Being Properly Cleaned
While you must take responsibility for your safety, know that your gym must be responsible for this, too. Don’t accept less than appropriate cleanliness. This is even more important for you during the coronavirus pandemic. Be certain that the staff is regularly cleaning the facility throughout the day. You also might want to ask them to look into something that can quickly and efficiently perform gym disinfecting procedures. There are quite a few options you can suggest for your gym to look into.
Bring Along Pocket-Size Hand Sanitizer
Don’t leave home without your hand sanitizer. It helps you stay well. Just make sure it contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Soap and water are effective at killing COVID-19, but you likely won’t head to the washroom between each workout station. A lot of people will be touching the equipment, and you should be extra cautious. Even if your fitness center has sanitizers in common areas, you still should have a small bottle with you.
Wipe Down Equipment Between Workouts
Your gym should be stocked up on sanitizing spray and wipes. Make sure you wipe down equipment before and after using it. Even if something looks clean, you still need to wipe it down. Also, you can’t always guarantee that others are doing this. Have peace of mind and know for certain your equipment is clean.
Keep a Sanitizing Spray in Your Car
Once you leave the gym and get back to your car, you should spray yourself with a sanitation spray. Consider using something like OdoBan. It’s safe on fabrics and won’t damage your clothes, and you might enjoy the smell. If it touches your skin, you shouldn’t run into irritation issues. Make sure you spray the bottoms of your shoes, too.
Don’t Use The Showers
Certain parts of your gym aren’t as safe. Your likelihood of catching COVID-19 actually can be higher in some areas at your fitness facility. Ditch your post-workout shower at the gym. Wait to clean up when you return home. Your likelihood of catching COVID-19 actually can be higher in some areas at your fitness facility. Ditch your post-workout shower at the gym. Wait to clean up when you return home.
Pay Attention To Nutrition
If you want to limit your chances of catching the coronavirus, then you need to pay even more attention to your nutrition. You can continue downing your protein drinks, of course. But be certain your drinking more water than usual. Flush your system as much as possible. There’s no proof that increased water intake lowers your risk for COVID-19. But drinking more of it can help boost your immune system which fights off infections, including respiratory virus. Also, make sure you’re eating plenty of fruits and veggies.
You Can Stay Safe
As you can see from the tips presented above, it’s rather easy. You can stay safe when you head to the gym. Just apply these aforementioned suggestions to your plans, and you shouldn’t run into any issues.
Also, don’t ignore the obvious. If you notice something out of place or come across poor sanitation, point it out to your fitness center staff. You would rather be safe than sorry. Plus, they would want you to alert them.