Everyone knows how good it feels when you are feeling completely confident in yourself. The beautiful thing about confidence is that it is a muscle you can train, rather than something you either have or don’t have. And the more you use it, the more easily it comes to you. So if you feel lacking in confidence, all you really need to do is to make a point of practising it a little more. In this article, we are going to look at some of the concrete changes you can make to improve that feeling of confidence in your life, so that you can make much more of life in no time at all.
Move Into Fear
Everyone feels fear, and it is actually a really important feeling – one that you should listen to as best as you can. Fear is telling you where your edge currently is, and what you consider to be outside of your sense of possibility. If you can make a point of actively moving into your fear on a regular basis, you are going to find your natural feeling of confidence massively improving as a result. This then creates the possibility for a virtuous cycle: overcoming fear increases confidence, and increased confidence helps you overcome fear. Wherever you are in that cycle, start there.
Get That Confident Smile
One of the clear signs of confidence is when someone is smiling to everyone they meet. There are a couple of sides to this that you need to consider. First and foremost, you need to make sure that you are actually happy with your physical smile, which could mean getting clear braces or having other work done to make your smile look better and nicer. Secondly, you have to have the confidence to look people in the eye and really enjoy smiling, and that is something that you just have to work on and practice to make it easier. If you can do that, you are going to find that it increases your confidence greatly.
Stand Up Straight
Often, those simple things that you can do to improve your confidence might sound a little trite, but they are nonetheless powerful and important to consider. This next one is certainly one of those examples. The simple act of standing up straight is going to make you feel so much more confident in no time, and if you make a point of doing it regularly, then that especially is going to make a big difference over a period of time too. So make sure that you are doing this, and especially that you are coupling it with that extra confident smiling to the people you pass in the street. This is going to make you feel so much more confident in yourself in no time.
As you can see, there are some simple, concrete steps you can take to improve and increase your confidence. Take these on board, and you should find that life becomes so much easier to handle.