There is a lot of focus at the start of a new year on physical fitness. Many people make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, build muscle or otherwise improve their body. Too few people, however, give attention to their brain fitness. Yet, many would consider our cognitive functioning to be more important than our physical functioning. In this article, we reveal 3 ways to prioritize your brain fitness in 2021.
Read More
Most of us don’t read as much as we used to. With the advance of technology, it is so easy to watch videos or even have a computer read text to us. As a result, the majority of people hardly ever pick up a physical book anymore. Yet reading provides a lot of benefits to your brain. It is, in fact, a form of exercise for your brain.
Reading increases our vocabulary. It introduces us to new and different words, expressions, phrases and ways of expressing things. It also improves what psychologists refer to as our fluid intelligence. This is the ability to solve problems without having any background knowledge on the matter under consideration.
Reading, especially working your way through novels, has also been shown to increase a person’s emotional intelligence. In one study, subjects were split into three groups:
- Non readers
- Non fiction readers
- Fiction readers
The fiction group was shown to have the highest level of emotional intelligence, as shown by their ability to match pictures of people’s eyes with given emotions. Other research has suggested that reading can slow down mental decline and improve memory.
As you can see, making the effort to find time to read will definitely boost your brain fitness. Reading physical books will also give you a break from the computer and provide you with the sensory comfort of cuddling up with a paperback -something that the tech gurus in Silicon Valley have not been able to replicate.
When it comes to your election of reading material, your brain will benefit most from a mixture of fiction and non-fiction. If you’re entrepreneurial or business minded, check out these start up business books. We also suggest delving into the classics of fiction such as Wuthering Heights and Dr Jeykell and Mr. Hyde – they’ve stood the test of time because they are fantastic reads!
Switch Off Your Technology
Technology was meant to make us smarter. Yet, by nearly every measure it has done the opposite. The longer a person spends online, the less smart they tend to be. Turning off your computer and your television set, then, are among the most beneficial things you can do to enhance your cognitive development.
Computers and the TV are passive forms of recreation. You simply sit there and take stuff into your head. So, taking time every day to step away from them and do other things that engage your brain is a really positive step. Pull out board games or a pack of cards. These games are active rather than passive. They will challenge you mentally, forcing you to solve problems and make mental calculations. In fact, playing a few games of poker does for your brain what having an arm workout does for your biceps and triceps.
You can enhance your brain benefits even more by stepping away from the TV and computer and going outside. Getting away from artificial light will allow you to think clearer while the purer oxygen (depending where you live, of course) that you breathe in will also boost your cognitive development.
Eat for Your Brain
Just as choosing the right foods is fundamental to good physical health, so too your selection of nutrients provides the basis for good cognitive health. Here are eight of the best brain foods that you should be eating regularly:
- Fatty Fish
- Blueberries
- Coffee
- Broccoli
- Dark Chocolate
- Nuts
- Eggs
- Green Tea
The reason why fatty fish is so good for your brain is that it provides a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Research has shown conclusively that Omega-3 fatty acids are able to improve memory, and enhance a person’s emotional and fluid intelligence. In addition to fatty fish, get your Omega-3 from flaxseed, walnuts and fish oil tablets.
There are also foods that are bad news for your brain. Most of these are the same ones that are bad for your waistline, namely those that are high in simple sugars. Here are five foods to cut out in order to promote brain health:
- Fried Foods
- Sugary Drinks
- Pastries
- Margarine
- Pies
Taking care of your physical health should always be a priority. But doing so while also taking care of your cognitive health makes no sense whatsoever. Training your brain doesn’t require a lot. By simply reading more, watching TV and the computer screen less and eating for brain health, you’ll be able to boost your cognitive fitness that will allow you to make the most of the year ahead.