With exam season approaching, everyone’s thoughts turn to exam preparation methods. Everyone has a unique study strategy, ranging from memory games to charts and lists. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to exam preparation, but there are things you can do to make the exam season easier on yourself. Here are some pointers on how to make the most of your study time and prepare for tests like a boss.
Know all of your deadlines
Assume your professor has just informed you that you have three days to complete your assignment and a test in one week. After class, you make a mental note to remind yourself to complete everything on time. If you relate to this example, you may want to rethink the way you’re doing things.
You’ve probably had the experience of forgetting about a project until the night before it was due. Don’t put off writing down everything you hear until the last minute! If your lecturer announces a test, take out your calendar and make a note of it. The act of typing it up will be enough to jog your memory. Though it may not seem like it, your calendar is an essential study tool. You’ll be better prepared for tests and assignments if you know what’s coming up!
If you’re coming close to the deadline or need some extra help, a great option would be to look into tutoring, especially if you need additional support in complex subjects. You may seek help from Maths and Physics tutor. These are ideal for those needing additional support. However, tutoring isn’t always cheap, so always look out for discounted rates and coupons such as this Princeton Review promo code.
Use the Pomodoro method
This technique can help you manage your workload, especially if technology is becoming your favourite way to distract yourself. The Pomodoro method is similar to high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Set a timer for 25 minutes and then concentrate solely on the task at hand. After the first session, set a 5-minute timer to rest. This procedure can be repeated as many times as necessary.
If music helps you concentrate while studying, you might be able to find playlists that last the aforementioned 25 minutes! This can make studying more fun and enjoyable. But make sure you stick to the timer!
Create a routine
Before you begin studying, you should create a realistic schedule. Create a seven-day schedule that allows enough time for each topic. Examine your study materials quickly to determine how much time you’ll need to cover everything. In places where some of the strongest and most challenging universities are found such as Australia or New Zealand, students can access all of their Auckland student material online in one location.
They can easily determine how many hours they need to devote to each topic with a quick scroll. Make time for your hobbies and extracurricular activities as well. When planning a study schedule for a difficult subject, it is critical to remain disciplined while also allowing yourself time to rest.
Don’t just concentrate on the notes
Many students prepare for exams by reading textbooks, workbooks, and notes. We’re all told to read the same passage again and again and again. Contrary to popular belief, this has been shown to be one of the most common poor study skills among students!
Students frequently reread information in a very shallow manner. Rereading is analogous to looking at the solution to a problem rather than attempting to solve it on your own. You won’t know if you understand anything in the textbook unless you put it to the test! Instead of rereading, try retelling what you’ve been reading or making a list of questions based on the readings you can later try to answer!
Examine yourself
When we were kids, our parents would quiz us on various topics before big tests. Why don’t we do this more frequently when we’re in college? This is known as a retrieval exercise, and it is one of the most effective methods of learning. Make flashcards, for example, whenever you learn something new. Make a side for questions and another for responses.
You can even quiz each other if you’re studying with friends! However, remember to be thorough when testing yourself and your friends. Don’t ask too simple questions or skim over the answers! You could even request that some of the key topics are compared and contrasted.
You’ll need to rest
Enjoy a relaxing break from studying! Though it may appear contradictory, taking frequent breaks will actually increase your productivity when studying. Take frequent breaks from your study area to recharge your batteries. Don’t just sit in your chair and pull out your phone. Take a walk or meet up with friends for coffee!
While studying for exams, remember to have some fun, relax, and spend time with your friends. When studying hard, you should set attainable goals for yourself and reward yourself for small victories along the way. Have you completed your daily to-do list? Then fire up that laptop and go on a Netflix binge!
Summing up
You may be stressed as exam season approaches. We hope that these study tips have helped you make the most of your time. However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious during this stressful season, don’t be afraid to talk to a friend, family member, or professor!
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