We don’t know exactly when we’ll be seeing more action from HBO’s Game Of Thrones, but at this point we’re probably somewhere between six and eight months away. That’s quite a long time to wait, but for arguably the most popular show on television, there are always ways to fill in the gaps between the seasons. There’s so much about the show even the speculation and theories can be almost as much fun as the episodes themselves while we wait for more episodes!
In that spirit, here are 10 possibilities worth considering for where this show’s seventh season might take us in 2017.
Daenerys Could Reach King’s Landing
Presumably, Daenerys has to reach Westeros at some point. If she doesn’t, then we’ve wasted quite a bit of time watching her journey! What we haven’t known though, is whether she’d get there in season seven or if her arrival would be part of the finale in season eight. According to a batch of set rumors that recently surfaced, it looks like she’s getting there this coming season. There are multiple indications that Dany will reach the “Dragonpit,” which is a former Targaryen dragon den on the outskirts of King’s Landing.
A Clash Of Queens?
Keeping in mind the previous set rumors, it also seems increasingly likely that we’ll get a “Clash of Queens.” As of the end of season six, Cersei Lannister is the queen at King’s Landing, which means she’ll likely be Daenerys’s first Westerosi opponent.
Jon Snow May Meet Daenerys
According to another round-up of season seven theories, there are three Basque beaches being used to film scenes, likely representing Dragonstone (the old Targaryen home). We’ve also learned that Kit Harrington (who plays Jon Snow) is scheduled to travel to those same beaches. This strongly indicates a meeting between fan favorite characters Jon and Daenerys.
…And See Theon Again
Just a quick note: if Jon meets Daenerys, he’ll probably see Theon again as well, given that Theon and his sister are traveling with the queen. Jon hasn’t seen Theon since he was originally dropped off at Castle Black when he joined the Night’s Watch, which ought to make for a very dramatic (and possibly tragic) moment.
Jon & Sansa Could Marry
This is becoming a fairly popular fan theory, so it ought to be mentioned as well. Given that we learned in season six that Jon is not in fact Ned Stark’s son, he’s also not Sansa’s sibling. He may still be her cousin, but in Westeros that seems like no big deal. The two of them could well unite to lead the North and restore Winterfell.
A Baratheon Could Re-Enter The Fray
This theory is more about looking backward. From the beginning, the Baratheons were among the core houses of Game Of Thrones and were even treated as such in gaming. Looking through the features and details offered by high-end casino gaming sites, you’ll find some digital slot machine games based on the show, and on that slot reel there are four flags flying: Baratheon, Stark, Targaryen, and Lannister. The latter three are still very much in the thick of the fight for Westeros—but what about the Baratheons? Well, some believe Gendry, a long-lost bastard child of Robert Baratheon’s, could still reenter the conversation. It would certainly be an effective way for the series to circle back to a contest between the four families that represented it in its early days.
We Could See A Lord Stoneheart
This one seems unlikely, but the rumor is out there. Fans of the books will know that a character named Lady Stoneheart (a sort of zombie version of Catelyn Stark) has been left out of the show. Some believe she’ll ultimately be replaced by a Lord Stoneheart, and more specifically Robb Stark. However, Richard Madden, who played Robb, claims to know nothing about it.
…Or A Lady, But Probably Not
It’s worth mentioning that we could also still see Catelyn Stark as Lady Stoneheart, but this seems like a possibility that has come and gone. Michelle Fairley, who plays the part, has busied herself with new projects anyway.
There Will Be New Characters
While it seems like this series is narrowing its focus to a few core characters, there will still be some newcomers in season seven. Most notably, Jim Broadbent has been brought on board in an unknown role, but there are strong rumors that Rhaegar Targaryen, who perished before the story began, will be brought to life in flashbacks (and played by an actor we don’t yet know of).
The Iron Throne May Be Won
Finally, fans should keep in mind that the struggle for the Iron Throne may in fact end in season seven. That may seem like the end of the series as a whole, but it stands to reason that if Westerosi humans are to have any chance against the White Walkers descending from the North, they’ll probably need to be united first. That could mean season seven wraps up the Iron Throne struggle, leaving season eight to deal with the fight for survival.