By Jennifer Corcoran
There is no doubt that moving can be stressful, but what happens when you move away from your comfortable Bondi lifestyle and replace it with the back streets of Harlem, New York? Angela Gilltrap explores this very situation in her memoir Sunshine on Sugar Hill. After sacrificing her career, Gilltrap decides to follow her heart and start a new life with partner, composer, musician and international chess champion, Kasaun Henry. Despite the culture shock, Gilltrap learns to not only adjust to a new country, but her immediate surroundings. Drug deals, drive by shootings and daily arrests become the norm. Despite these daily occurrences, Gilltrap maintains a sunny disposition which results in the locals nicknaming her ‘Sunshine on Sugar Hill’. This enlightening memoir not only follows Gilltrap’s highs and lows of her new lifestyle, but it is a story about self discovery and growing up. Gilltrap eventually falls in love with Harlem and the people in her neighbourhood. Without her remarkable ability to adapt quickly to a fast-paced and eye-opening lifestyle, she probably would have booked the first ticket back to Australia and settled into a convenient and cosy lifestyle. Yet Angela Gilltrap chose Harlem, New York as her new home away from home. A decision she doesn’t regret.
To find out more about Angela Gilltrap check out her website. You can also keep up to date with her blog here.